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First class
Domiciliary Care

Care and support, in the comfort of your own home.

Where you are most comfortable and take care of your daily care and support.

We plan your care and support with you so you have full control and are aware of every step.

Click here to see the full list of our services

Have a chat with us! We're here to help.

It's all about you

Our goal is to enrich and encourage independence in the lives of vulnerable young people aged 16+ and adults aged 18+ to 65+ elderly people.


Everyone goes through tough life changes and you don't need to be alone to face them. 


Depending on your individual requirements, we have different types of Domiciliary care services available to you, including short-term, long-term, and temporary.


Our mission

Our mission is to be an outstanding provider of high-quality care and support that helps vulnerable members of society achieve their aspirations and lead fulfilling lives, right in the comfort of their own homes.



For any questions or concerns call +44 7531 318710
or fill out our form

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Lymedale Business Centre,

Lymedale Business Park, 

Hooters Hall Road,

New Castle,


+44 7531 318710

© 2023 by Auxiliary First Care

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