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About Us

Our Team

Auxiliary First Care is one of the leading healthcare providers that specialise in first-class domiciliary care services.


We support a wide range of clients aged 18 years and above in different specialist areas.

Our approach ensures that a growing number of clients look to us to source our services. We deliver a tailored service that will exceed your expectations. 


The care team’s approach to supporting clients is viewing each individual as if they were their own family member, within professional boundaries. 

We are dedicated to meeting your need for temporary Nursing and Care staff, Homecare Services, and Provision of Supported Living.


​Focusing on traditional care core values and incorporating the latest technological Innovations to ensure clients’ well-being needs are met.


Personalised care plans

We at Auxiliary First Care ensure that in order to provide a service that is commendable continuous learning and improvements are required. Our carers will give you care that suits your requirements and lifestyle that way you will lead an independent life


Your family and friends will enjoy peace of mind knowing that there is a carer from Holistic Standard Care Services who is attending to your needs while being attentive to you.

Our Tests

Empathy & Compassion

We understand that one of the most difficult things many of us face in life is to ask for help.


Our friendly and highly skilled staff members ensure that you can stay in the home you love and still receive all the care you need. This enables you to enjoy a great quality of life, with the flexibility and independence of having family and friends over and living a life of your own choice



For any questions or concerns call +44 7531 318710
or fill out our form

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Lymedale Business Centre,

Lymedale Business Park, 

Hooters Hall Road,

New Castle,


+44 7531 318710

© 2023 by Auxiliary First Care

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